Unite! student video contest

Mar 10, 2023

Share a day in your university life and win a trip to Lisbon!

The Unite! student video contest
offers you the opportunity
to share your cultural reality
and win a trip to attend
the Unite! Student Festival
that will be held in Lisbon from 29/06 to 01/07.


The goal of this contest
is to show the diversity
and interculturality
that define the Unite! student community


Any student of the UPC of any level of study (undergraduate, master's or doctorate), who is enrolled at the UPC and is currently paying for their registration, can submit their proposal.

Deadline to submit your video proposal

March 30, 2023. Deadline extended!! ...You can submit your proposals until April 9th, 2023.

Application: submission of your video proposal

Through the Metacampus portal (which is the "intranet" of the Unite group of universities!).

  1. Register to Metacampus. Access it with your UPC credentials (username and password to access the UPC intranets).
  2. Fill in the application form and upload the video under your university section

More information

On the Unite! website, in the corresponding news:

Contact for more information and inquiries

UPC: jordi.pujol-nadal@upc.edu 
(UPC Language and Terminology Service)