
Unite!4Future: share your vision of the university of the future and win a trip to Grenoble!

Mar 22, 2022

If you are a UPC student, gather a team of students from the Unite! universities, prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future, and send it before the 15th of May. Compete with other teams to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Grenoble INP |UGA for developing your project Unite!4Future !



The UPC, together with other European universities, participates in a European university project called Unite!.

In the framework of Unite!, the second call for student "Unite!4Future" projects has been opened. The main goal is to attract the participation of students from the seven alliance partner universities, with the aim of calling for creative ideas about what can be expected at a university of the future.

UPC students can participate. Their ideas must address at least one of the following topics:

  • Diversity and inclusion

  • Environment and sustainability

  • Academic experience, mobility and languages

  • Digitalization

Participation requirements

  • Students must be enrolled in one of Unite! universities: Aalto University, Espoo/Helsinki; KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm; Technical University of Darmstadt; Grenoble INP-UGA; Politecnico di Torino; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech; Universitade de Lisboa

  • Applications must be submitted in English

  • Each team must include students from at least 3 Unite! partner universities

  • The application must address at least one call topic

  • All project activities must be designed with the possibility of being applicable in all the team's Unite! universities

  • The application must include:

    • team application form

    • project description in video format (10 min max)


Applications deadline

Applications should be submitted before 15th May 2022.

All you have to do is gather a team of students from other Unite!  partner universities and prepare a video with your vision of the university of the future.


How to apply

Download the Unite!4Future applicant guide (

You have to submit your application through Metacampus. It is a tool created by Unite! that allows you to find colleagues to form a team and also to submit your application (as a team).


More details

Unite!4Future website in the  Unite!website


Further questions can be addressed via Metacampus, or through the Contact Point at each Unite! alliance partner university. The one from UPC is:

All e-mail messages to the contact points should indicate «Unite!4Future» in the subject.