8th SEEEP Ph.D. Summer School

Mar 21, 2023

The yearly 2-week Energy PhD school organized by ZJU Hangzhou China, SJTU Shanghai China, KTH Stockholm Sweden and TU/e Eindhoven Netherlands will have the theme “Role of Fossil Fuels in Energy transitions”.


14–26 August 2023


This year, the course will be on campus in China.


Housing and food is provided for 30 students in total.
The first 10 KTH students will also have their travel costs covered by KTH Energy Platform. 
The other European students will have to finance their travel and other living and accommodation expenses individually; they could also, where appropriate, apply for possible funding through their home university.

For whom?

Students are eligible to apply to the Summer School with a CV and a motivation letter. 

Application submission deadline
Before April 15th, 2023

More information and link for registration
