
UNITECH Outgoing Students


UNITECH 2024-2025


List of UPC outgoing students in the UNITECH programme, for the academic year 2024-2025:

The list will be published in April 2024 (after the selected students are assigned to each partner university and admitted).


UNITECH 2023-2024

 List of UPC outgoing students in the UNITECH programme, for the academic year 2023-2024:

Host University Name Surname
Chalmers Alejandro Canals Borrell
Chalmers Maria Mijancos
ETH Natàlia Badia Carrera
INSA Lyon Marçal Uriach i Quiñoa
Polimi Elena Arxer Andreu
Polimi Adriana Crous Sala
Polimi Antoni Ferré Abad
Polimi Miquel Fontanals i Carreras
Polimi Beatriz Losada Cavestany
RWTH Ainhoa Arribalzaga Jové
RWTH  Jordi Ricart Pifarre