Main deadlines/dates and UPC academic calendar

 For your reference, please find below some dates in all the procedure in the UNITECH programme:

Information sessions about UNITECH


(the year before of the year in which you want to participate)

Application deadline

Specific to each university.

Please check it in the UNITECH Programme Handbook, available in the web page:

Pre-selection, if necessary

Specific to each university.

Please check with the UNITECH Local Coordinator of your home university. (See contact details in the UNITECH Programme Handbook, available in the web page:

Assessment Center

Specific to each university.

(If pre-selected, attendance is mandatory.)

Please check it in the UNITECH Programme Handbook, available in the web page:

Publication of the results of the Assessment Center
(selected students)

Specific to each university. Usually in the few days after the AC.

Please check with the UNITECH Local Coordinator of your home university. (See contact details in the UNITECH Programme Handbook , available in the web page:

Assign destinations (host universities) to the selected students Around the end of March
Publication of the list
of UNITECH outgoing/incoming students
Around the end of March
UNITECH outgoing students send their documents to the host universities


(according to their specific calendar)

Outgoing students make
the registration

in their home university
before the exchange

Specific to each university.

Please check with the UNITECH Local Coordinator of your home university. (See contact details in the UNITECH Programme Handbook , available in the web page:

Students attend
the Start-up week

in ETHZ (Zürich, Switzerland)

First week of September

Incoming students coming to UPC

arrive, make the registration, attend the Orientation Week activities and follow the administrative and legal procedures

First week of September

Incoming students start in UPC
the classes


Around 10th-12th September

The exact date is specific to each UPC school/faculty.

 In addition, for your reference, here below we indicate you the general academic calendar and examination periods in UPC: