7- Wait for an answer and check at least every week the status of your file


The TIE renewal procedure can take a minimum of 2 months and sometimes (depending on the moment of the year, overflow of the legal authorities, and type of submission - electronic or in paper) several months.

After submitting your documents, you will get a RECEIPT. With your personal details and reference of your file, you will be able to check online the status of your application (follow this link):

  • Just after submitting: it does not appear online.

  • One or two weeks after submitting: it appears and indicates "pendiente de trámite" (received by the authorities)

  • Later: it shows "en trámite" (in process)
    This status can last a few weeks.
    If you have been waiting for several months and you do not receive any official notification (*) , please contact with the legal authorities ("Subdelegación de Gobierno").
    (Please only contact if you have been waiting for many time. The procedure lasts a minimum of time to be processed.)

  • Final status: it can be "resuelto/favorable" (it is, accepted) or: "denegado" (denied, rejected).

Please check in our website the instructions to follow in each situation. Should you have any question or doubt, please do not hesitate to contact the OMI office.


NOTE (*):
- If you submitted your documents electronically, when the Spanish authorities request documents to you or give you the permit, you will find the official notification in the following website: https://dehu.redsara.es/. But be patient, as it takes at least a week from the date they requested the documents or gave the permit to you to find the notification hanged there.

- If you submitted the documents in paper, you will receive an official notification at home, by the post.
The official notification can be:

  • an official request for additional/missing documents ("requerimiento");
  • the notification of the concession (in the letter it says "resuelvo conceder" and in the Internet the status is "resuelto/favorable");
  • the notification of a denial (status "denegado" denied, rejected).