UPC outgoing students, academic year 2020-2021

I am a UPC outgoing SICUE exchange student and I am now in another Spanish Autonomous Community. What should I do?

You must follow the instructions of your host university. The majority of universities have enabled some tools to continue with the academic activity in an online mode.

Now I am outside Spain. I can return to Spain and continue the exchange stay by means of the online classes that my host university offers. What should I do?

You must follow the instructions of the health authorities of your host country and the guidelines of your host university.

In case you have not done it yet, please contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in your host country to inform them about your exchange stay (place, date and end of the stay) and situation.

If you are an Erasmus+ student and you are coming back to Spain but you are following the online classes and activities of your host university and, at the end of the semester, you will obtain the evaluation of your subjects, then the whole period* will be considered an Erasmus+ exchange, with the corresponding economic consequences about the economic aid related to your stay.

(*:  Not only the period in which you remained in the host country but the whole period corresponding to this second semester).

Likewise, when you come back we recommend you to keep the flight/train/etc. ticket, in case it was needed that you provide it later, as an evidence of your stay.

And please inform about it to the International Relations Sub-directorate of your UPC school/faculty.

Later on and as the emergency situation evolves, you will obtain more information and guidelines about the justifying documents, payment of the Erasmus+ aid, etc., from the Sub-directorate of International Relations of your UPC school/faculty and from the UPC Academic Management Service.

What will happen if I end my mobility period before the end of the scheduled period? Will my exchange stay be acknowledged by UPC?

If you cancel your exchange and you come back to Spain, and then you engage the UPC classes, your exchange stay cannot be recognised.

Likewise, according to the length of your stay and the economic grants linked to it (Erasmus+, Santander-Iberoamérica, etc.), you might have to refund the corresponding amounts (You will find more information about it through the Academic Management Service of UPC).

If you come back to Spain, but you continue from here with the online classes of your host university and you obtain at the end of the semester the corresponding evaluation of your subjects and you pass them, then your exchange stay will be recognised in your academic records by UPC.

If I wanted to come back now. Will I be able to postpone the remaining period of my exchange?

If you were doing an academic exchange outside Spain and you come back now, you will not be able to postpone the remaining period of your mobility, as the semester is very advanced now.

You should then consider as the best option to come back and follow with the online classes and activities of your foreign host school in order to be able to end your mobility successfully.

If you were doing and internship stay, please ask your UPC school/faculty if that internship could be reduced (and then your return date would be considered the end date of your internship), or if there is any option to do online the remaining period, or if it could be performed later (after agreeing about it with the host company).

Which would be the economic consequences if I came back before my foreseen theoretical end stay of my exchange period?

It will depend on the kind of your exchange, on the length of the performed period abroad and also if, after coming back, you continue or not with the online classes and activities of your host university.

If you are an Erasmus+ student (for subjects or internship) and you have engaged the UPC activity after your return, by withdrawing to your exchange, then you will have to ask your return to be considered as a “force majeure” case, and then you should see what would be the amount to be refunded, from the already perceived amounts of your scholarships.

If you came back and you withdrew to the mobility, we recommend you to keep the institutional message of your host university that informed you about the interruption of the classes there.

If you are an Erasmus+ student and you had come back, but you are following online the classes and activities of your host university, then your period abroad plus the one in which you are following the classes here will be considered your whole exchange period; and probably you will not have to refund the economic grants.

Please remember that in any case you should submit the corresponding certificate of stay to justify it. Likewise, we recommend you to keep the flight ticked, in case it was necessary to submit it later on.

Finally, consider that if you withdraw to your outgoing stay and that you go back to the UPC classes, you have to inform before 31/03/2020 to the International Relations Sub Directorate of your home UPC school/faculty, and submit your formal withdraw, through the UPC electronic site, with the corresponding documents.

I was doing an exchange internship stay in a company and I had already initiated it. What should I do?

You must follow the instructions of the health authorities of your host country and the guidelines of your host university.

In case you have not done it yet, please contact the Spanish Embassy or Consulate in your host country to inform them about your exchange stay (place, date and end of the stay) and situation.

Likewise, when you come back we recommend you to keep the flight/train/etc., ticket, in case it was necessary to supply it later as an evidence of your stay.

And please inform about it to the International Relations Sub-directorate of your UPC school/faculty.

I am an UPC exchange student but I had not started the foreseen mobility yet. What should I do?

If you withdraw to your outgoing stay and that you go back to the UPC classes, you have to inform before 31/03/2020 to the International Relations Sub Directorate of your home UPC school/faculty, and submit your formal withdraw, through the UPC electronic site, with the corresponding documents.

If you are an Erasmus+ student and you had not started yet your exchange stay (and now it will not be possible to do it), but you had already done some payments  (travel, accommodation, insurance,  etc.), please keep the proofs or receipts of the expenses, in order to submit them in case that there could be some refund, if the Erasmus+ National Agency (“SEPIE”) gave the corresponding instructions to the Universities.  (At this moment there are not instructions about it. In case that in the future there were some about it, from the University we would inform you about the procedure to obtain the grants in causes of “force majeure”).

If you had been awarded a Santander Erasmus+ o Santander Iberoamérica scholarship, you will not be able to perceive it.

The reimbursement of these expenses is not guaranteed, even if the expenses of the cancelled exchanges or of the ones that have been performed until now but without the possibility of ending them could be justified as a force majeure. The expenses could not surpass in any case the amount stated in your financial agreement.

Finally, if you had paid your OnCampus Estudia insurance through your UPC enrolment, please contact as soon as possible with the insurance (informacion@oncampus.es), in order to inform them about your withdraw and that finally you did not travel. Later, from the documents submitted, from UPC we would process the refund of the amount of your insurance.

I had to do an internship in a company abroad but I had not initiated it yet. What should I do?

Please ask to your home UPC school/faculty, if you could postpone the internship and perform it later (after having made a new agreement with the host company).

If you want to withdraw to your outgoing mobility, you have to inform the International Relations Sub Directorate of your home UPC school/faculty, and submit your formal withdraw, through the UPC electronic site, with the corresponding documents.

Finally, if you had paid your OnCampus Estudia insurance through your UPC enrolment, please contact as soon as possible with the insurance (informacion@oncampus.es), in order to inform them about your withdraw and that finally you did not travel. Later, from the documents submitted, from UPC we would process the refund of the amount of your insurance.


Does the OnCampusEstudia insurance cover me as a UPC student from the Covid-19 pandemic?

Yes, the health care in case of contagion would be covered by the OnCampus Estudia policy, up to the corresponding economic limitations (300.000 € per insured person with a limitation of 3.000.000 € for every policy).

In this sense, there is not a specific clause in the conditions where it is stated that the contagion is covered but this point has been confirmed with the company INTERNATIONAL SOS due to the present circumstances. On the other hand, as it is stated in the last pages of the general conditions (dossier of the General Conditions, pages from the 28th on), there is not any exclusion related to pandemics as to the guarantee of medical healthcare of the policy.

Where must the students address themselves if they have any health problem?

They should address themselves to the contact address that is indicated in their documents of policies.


If an outgoing student that is abroad had symptoms of coronavirus disease and he/she needs medical health care, he/she should previously and directly contact SOS:


By phone, 24 hours assistance:

From Spain: 91 572 70 17

From the rest of the world: +34 91 572 70 17


By e-mail: madrid_ops@internationalsos.com   


The company itself will open a formal case for the student and they will indicate the student how to proceed, and the protocol that could have been established in the country/city/locality where the student is located.


In this sense, the student has to take into account that, as it is happening in Spain, the insurance companies cannot obviate what has been arranged at every moment by the authorities of the different countries and that, consequently, they have to follow the protocols established by the public organisms of every territory, according to the evolution of the circumstances.


If I would like to come back before the end of the exchange, can this new flight ticket be covered by the OnCampus Estudia policy?

No, the OnCampus Estudia insurance does not cover the cost of the flight ticket for anticipated return, as a consequence of the actual situation due to the COVID 19 pandemic.

Besides the repatriation for death/illness/accident and the anticipated return because of death of a first degree relative, the insurance covers the anticipated return due to extraordinary risks, but it can only be applied in the two following cases that are exactly specified in the insurance policy (and that cannot be applied in the same way to other situations):

                               - Natural phenomena (earthquake, floods...)

- Terrorism, rebellion.

(This coverage is detailed in the page 21st of the General Conditions dossier).

If I would like to extend my exchange stay. What should I do?

Academically and administratively, please inform to the International Relations Sub Directorate of your home UPC school/faculty, and make the corresponding procedure of extension of your stay, following the indications that you have in this web page:
https://www.upc.edu/sga/ca/Beques/InfoMobilitat/ExtensioEstada (information in Catalan)

For the insurance, you have to contact OnCampus Estudia (informacion@oncampus.es ) and submit a document, issued by your UPC school/faculty, confirming the extension. Otherwise OnCampus will ask to the UPC International Relations Bureau the confirmation of the extension (and we will confirm it with the basis of the information that can be found in the PRISMA system, or by asking for a confirmation to the UPC school/faculty).