International Staff Training Week 2011
The UPC welcomes administrative staff to our International Staff Training Week. We invite the Erasmus partner universities, South-American partners, as well as those institutions that have host administrative staff from our University during the past year although they might not be European universities.
The programme is scheduled from May 9th to 13th.
The program is directed to administrators working in the university level with interest in benchmarking of practice and networking with colleagues.
The language of communication is English.
The programme will be constructed in days with specific themes from administrative point of view. Themes include:
- General information about our University
- The International Policy of the UPC
- The UPC International Service
- International promotion and alliances
- Students mobility
- Staff and academic mobility
- Convention Office
- Quality management
- Possibility of requesting individual programmes and meetings
Round table: informal and short presentations of the participants and their universities.
We will spend also some time to discover the city of Barcelona and to socialize with your colleagues.
How to apply?
The application period will open in February 8th until the March 10th. An electronic application form will be accessible from this website.
UPC has book some rooms in the UPC Residence (Booking number 28.429). If you are interested in booking a room we kindly ask you to make the reservation yourself before April 29th in:
UPC residence
Places are limited and acceptances will be given on a first-come-first-serve basis.
You can find alternative accommodation options with special rates for UPC visitors at
UPC accomodation
UPC accomodation
Participation in the scheduled program is free of charge. Other costs such as accommodation are covered by the participants themselves.
Further information:
Mireia Franch
Staff mobility office