
Summer Program in Taiwan 2009 for Spanish Graduate Students


El Consell Científic Nacional de Taiwan ofereix 10 beques a estudiants de postgrau espanyols que vulguin realitzar estades de recerca en institucions taiwaneses. Termini: 15/02/2009.



In order to promote a further collaboration with Spanish Education and Research authorities, the National Science Council of Taiwan (NSC) intends to provide 10 Spanish graduate students - PhD or Master students in science and social sciences and humanities - of first-hand research experience in Taiwan, an introduction to its science and technology policy infrastructure, and orientation to the culture and language.
The goals of the program are to introduce students to Taiwanese scientific and technological development in the context of a research laboratory, and to initiate personal relationships that will better enable them to collaborate with foreign counterparts in the future.
Program history
The Summer Program in Taiwan for Spanish Graduate Students would be based on the East Asia Summer Institutes (EASI) model, which is administered in the United States by the National Science Foundation (NSF) with co-sponsorship by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and sponsored in East Asia by Science Ministries in Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan. 
The first summer institute began in Japan in 1990, followed by Korea in 1995, Taiwan in 2000, China in 2003. Canada has joined this program since 2007.
National Science Council has agreed to offer scholarships for Spanish students under this program. 5 Spanish students participated in the program in 2008.
Content of the Program
National Science Council takes in charge Spanish students living allowance. Students will receive a living allowance of 50,000 Taiwanese dollars/2-month, of which 20% of taxes will be deducted (1 euro = NT$ 48.17 in July 2008).
NSC also contracts National Central University (NCU) to implement the program. This university organizes visits as well as Chinese language training during the orientation session.
Spanish side will be in charge of the candidate’s selection process.
The Spanish student:
- Should take in charge the round-trip air ticket between Spain and Taipei, as well as health insurance for the period of his staying in Taiwan.
- Tries to find a research institute or asks assistance to the partnership university to find the research place if not having contacts with Taiwanese institutions.
- Finds housing or asks host institute to arrange housing.
- Gets a visa to Taiwan (from 37€ to 74€ depending on the type of visa).
- Has to attend the Orientation Week from the first day and participates in organized activities.
- Will be required to submit a brief final report (one page) to National Science Council.
-         This program is only reserved for Spanish students.
-         The students must be Master level or Ph. D level enrolled in a Spanish university
-         Priority will be given to candidates already having contacts with Taiwanese institutions. Lists of Taiwan’s universities as well as of professors who are interested in this program are available on our website:
The program lasts eight weeks from June 29th to August 21st 2009.
Orientation and Research
During the first week, between June 29th and July 3rd 2009, an orientation session provides the participants an introduction to Chinese language, culture, research policy, and other activities. Seven weeks are then spent on research activities at the host institution.
Service Sciences et Technologies,
Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en France
78, rue de l’Université
75007 Paris, France
Results will be announced by March 31, 2009.
For further information, please contact:
In France:
Mr. SUN Ko-Shu
Service Sciences et Technologies
Bureau de Représentation de Taipei en France
78, rue de l’Université
75007 Paris
In Spain:
Visa Service:
Officina Economica y Cultural de Taipei, Madrid, Epana
Calle Rosario Pino 14-16, Piso 18 Dcha.
28020 Madrid
Tel: 91-5718426
Opening hours: 9:00-14:00