
The UPC in the THE Impact Rankings 2024

In the 2024 edition, the selected  Sustainable Development Goals to participate have been these ones: the ODS 7 Clean and affordable energy, the ODS 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure, the ODS 10 Reduced inequalities, the ODS 11 Sustainable cities and communities, the ODS 13 Climate action, the ODS 16 Peace, justice and solid institutions and the ODS 17, Alliances for the objectives, which is  mandatory.

Among these, the three Objectives in which the UPC has obtained better results in this edition and which, therefore, have been taken into account for the calculation of the global classification, together with the mandatory ODS17, are: ODS9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure, ODS11 Sustainable citites and Communities and ODS13 Climate Action.

You can see the list of the UPC’s scores and positions by clicking on this link.