CYD Ranking
This ranking, which has been produced by the CYD Foundation since 2014, characterises Spanish institutions overall and by subject area.
The analysis is carried out both at the general level of the institution and at the level of subject areas, which have increased in number in each edition. Data at the institutional level are updated every year, a criterion that differs in the case of subject areas. Subject areas have been incorporated progressively in each edition and, once they have been added, CYD updates them less than once a year. It may also happen that, although the UPC offers degrees in a given subject area, it might not meet the inclusion and participation criteria defined by the publishers.
The CYD Ranking aims to offer a multidimensional view of institutions through the study of a set of indicators grouped into five broad dimensions: Teaching and Learning, Research, Knowledge Transfer, International Orientation and Contribution to Regional Development.
Regarding the sources, a large amount of data is requested directly from the universities, both at the institutional level and by subject area and degree. In other cases the publishers obtain the data from the Ministry’s Integrated University Information System (SIIU), which, in the case of Catalonia, depends on the UNEIX system, which has also previously obtained the data from the institutions themselves. Regarding bibliometric and patent indicators, since 2023 they have been analysed by the SCImago Lab on the basis of Scopus and PATSTAT databases. Until the 2022 edition, the CYD rankings were prepared in close collaboration with U-Multirank, and during this period the bibliometric and patent information was shared between the two rankings and analysed by the CWTS Leiden team on the basis of data from the Web of Science besides PATSTAT.
Consult the ranking website directly by following this link.