The master’s thesis entitled Informational Analysis of International University Rankings has been submitted

Feb 19, 2018

In the framework of the master's degree in Innovation and Research in Informatics, which is taught at the UPC, Marc Gallofré has defended a master’s thesis that focuses on university rankings.

Supervised by Prof. Juan Antonio Pastor, Marc Gallofré has defended a master's thesis entitled "Informational Analysis of International University Rankings".

As explained in the summary published in UPCommons:

“This work on the informational analysis of international rankings is motivated by the fact that international university rankings are increasing their impact and importance. Given their diversity of origins, purposes and procedures, it makes sense to try to increase their knowledge and understanding by clearly defining and comparing them from an informational stance. This research-orientated master thesis (master final project or TFM) addresses this purpose, by aiming at a clear and comparative definition of both the information managed by those rankings, as well as their respective processes for capturing, processing and publishing their results. These comparative definitions are carried using the Method for informational analysis of university rankings derived and designed from the experience of pursing the analysis work within this master thesis. At the same time, this method allows to assess transparency on rankings and helps to clarify the focus of the information used for rank universities.”

Consult the full text of the master’s thesis by clicking on this link.