The 2019 edition of the U-Ranking has been published

Apr 29, 2019

The UPC retains its leadership in Innovation and Technological Development

The U-Ranking, powered by Ivie with the collaboration of Fundación BBVA, aims to create a set of synthetic indicators to assess the Spanish university system. The indicators refer to three university dimensions: Teaching, Research and Innovation and Technological Development. Each dimension is in turn divided into four areas: Resources, Output, Quality and Internationalization.

The U-Ranking offers two types of classifications. The first, called U-Ranking, ranks universities according to their productivity. The second, called U-Ranking Volume, classifies universities by the volume of their results.

In the 2019 edition, the UPC was the second most productive Spanish university in Innovation and Technological Development and in Teaching in the Spanish system.

For further information click on the following link.