The 2018 CYD Ranking has been published

May 09, 2018

Once again, the UPC performs well in the International Orientation dimension.

This ranking, which characterises institutions at global and field levels, is developed and funded by the CYD Foundation, which also coordinates the process of collecting data on Spanish universities for the U-Multirank project.

In a similar way to U-Multirank, the CYD Ranking aims to provide a multidimensional view of institutions by analysing a set of indicators grouped into five dimensions: Teaching and Learning, Research, Knowledge Transfer, International Orientation and Commitment to the Region.

Institutions’ results are divided into three groups, depending on their position in the overall distribution: high, medium and low performance.

In the 2018 edition, the UPC has only participated at the general institutional level, because none of the fields that have been incorporated or updated this year belong to the specific knowledge areas of the institution.

As occurred last year, the evaluation most frequently obtained by the UPC is high performance, and the dimensions in which it performs best are International Orientation, Regional Development, Research and Knowledge Transfer.

For further information on the CYD Ranking click on the following link.