
The 2024 CWTS Leiden Ranking has been updated

Jul 08, 2024

The UPC ranks 89th in the world in scientific output in the field of Mathematics and Computer Science.

The CWTS Leiden Ranking evaluates institutions’ scientific output by analysing a set of bibliometric indicators. The reference database is the Web of Science.

The Ranking analyses the results obtained in five broad areas: Biomedical and Health Sciences, Life and Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and Social Sciences and Humanities. It also provides information grouped together for all fields.

The Ranking analyses a series of indicators and does not use a composite index that might allow institutions to be ranked in a single list; there are therefore as many classifications as the number of indicators and fields analysed. Nevertheless, the P indicator, which refers to number of publications, is the one that appears by default when you access the Ranking.

If we consider this indicator, in the last edition the UPC ranks 89th in the world and  the 8th in Europe in the field of Mathematics and Computer Science.

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