
2020 edition of the U-Ranking published

Jul 09, 2020

The UPC shares the first position in the teaching dimension of the performance ranking

The U-Ranking analyses Spanish universities based on a range of indicators on teaching, research and innovation and technological development. It used to present the lists broken down into these three indicators; however, this year they have integrated the last two into a single one called “research and innovation”.

The U-Ranking publishes two types of classifications: 1) U-Ranking, which sorts universities by performance, and 2) U-Ranking Volume, which does so based on the results of converting relative values into absolute values.

In the performance ranking, the UPC shares the 2nd position in the overall ranking with the Carlos III, the UAB and the UPV; it shares the 1st position in the teaching dimension with seven other universities; and it is ranked 3rd in the research and innovation dimension. 

For more information, click on this link.