
WINTEX Weaving innovation among academia and industry in the Tunisian textile sector


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WINTEX project aims to fill the gap in the area of specialized services for the Tunisian textile sector with the establishment of three innovation textile centers located at the participating Universities in Tunisia:  University of Sfax, University of Monastir and the Higher Institute of Technological Studies of Ksar Hellal-ISET.

The project will promote the collaboration between the participating European organizations and the ones Tunisia, by creating a network, which may benefit the textile industry in the countries involved in the project.

WINTEX will implement activities involving capacity building of staff for the new centers, equipping centers, pilot services to promote the knowledge transfer, workshops and the launch of the Academia Textile Industry Council as catalyst of the action.


The main objective of this international initiative is to foster the university-industry collaboration to support the development of innovation in the textile sector in Tunisia.

Entitat finançadora



Responsables equip UPC

Mònica Ardanuy (Cordinadora del projecte), Heura Ventura i Laura González-López

Codi projecte



Data inici: Gener 2020

Data finalització: Desembre 2022

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