ISO/TC 38/ WG22 Textiles- Composition and chemical testing Meeting
- ISO/TC 38/ WG22 Textiles- Composition and chemical testing Meeting
- 2016-05-23T09:00:00+02:00
- 2016-05-23T10:00:00+02:00
23/05/2016 de 09:00 a 10:00 (Europe/Madrid / UTC200)
Afegiu l'esdeveniment al calendari
Draft agenda ISO Te38 WG22 Terrassa 2010
1 Opening of the meeting2 Roll call of delegates
3 Adoption ofthe agenda Doc ISO/TC38 /WG22 N 116
4 Approbation ofthe minutes ofthe last meeting in Beijing (Doc ISO/TC38 /WG22 N 114)
5- Determination of the content of phthalates. Review of the new draft proposed by the Chinese experts (documentto be circulated later)
6. ISO 14184-1&2: Textiles- Determination of formaldehyde-Part 1: Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde (water extraction method) and Part 2: Released formaldehyde (vapour absorption method) Tony Smith
7 New Work Item Proposal from Japan about carcinogenic dyestuff detection method
8 ISO TR 11827 Draft fibre identification (Doc ISO/TC 38/WG 22 N 107): Examination of comments. Launch for enquiry
9 Revision of ISO 2076: Man-made fibres-Generic names
10 Following up ofISO 1833 Binary fibre mixtures - Quantitative analysis
• Part 20: Mixture of elastane and sorne other fibres: Discussion on the pre treatment
• Part 22: Mixture ofviscose, etc. and flax fibres: CD enquiry.
• Part 24: Mixture ofpolyester and sorne other fibres: FDIS vote
• Part 25: Mixture ofpolyester and sorne other fibres :(Method using trichloracetic acid and chloroform)
Results of the inter laboratory triaI.
11 Any other business
12 Requirements for a subsequent meeting
13 Closure ofthe meeting