University services
For studying
Administrative procedures and academic records
The communication tool between students and teachers
UPC card
Confirm your id and access UPC services and equipment
ICT Services
Everything you need to know about ICT services at the UPC
Live UPC
UPC Sports
Enjoy the range of sports and health activities organised at the UPC. Take part in competitive leagues. Have fun and improve your health and quality of life.
The UPC offers a range of accommodation options. Whatever you choose, you're sure to feel at home: halls of residence, university accommodation, subsidised rooms for young people, or shared apartments with older people as part of the UPC's programme of solidarity initiatives.
UPC Advantages
This new platform gives members of the UPC community access to discounts and special offers on electronics, books and magazines, and a wide range of leisure activities including cinema and theatre tickets.
Equal opportunities
The UPC actively promotes gender equality and equal opportunities across all areas of its activity and provides guidance on how to proceed in cases of abuse or assault.
Learn about waste management, responsible mobility, circular economy (regenerative resources) and energy saving and help to make the UPC a more sustainable university.
Cooperation and solidarity
Put your knowledge into public service by taking part in a project for the UPC's Centre for Development Cooperation. Take part in the 0.7% campaign.
Ombuds Office
If you have a complaint, would like to make a suggestion or are seeking assistance with any form of conflict, contact the Ombuds Office, the body responsible for protecting the rights and freedoms of the university community.
Get involved in university life and meet other students who share your interests by joining one of the UPC's many cultural, sports and academic associations.
Governance and participation
Have your say in how the University is run by joining a governing body, the Student Council or a student delegation.
Awards and competitions
The UPC organises and takes part in a wide range of award schemes and competitions through which you can win recognition of your academic or cultural achievements.
Health and risk prevention
Learn about laboratory and workshop safety at the UPC and how to proceed in the event of an accident or emergency. Find out more about student insurance and additional voluntary policies.
Rights and assistance for people with disabilities
The UPC is committed to equal opportunities for all members of its community and offers various tools, services and facilities to ensure that you have full access to all areas of university life.