Vice-rector for Social Responsibility and Equality

Josefina Antonijuan Rull

  • Promotion of projects in the fields of sustainability and local and international cooperation.
  • Development cooperation.
  • Actions against climate change (in coordination with the vice-rector for Architecture, Infrastructure and Regional Outreach.
  • Social impact.
  • Gender equality policies:
    • Promotion of STEAM vocations in relation to gender (in coordination with the vice-rector for Teaching and Students).
    • Implementation of the gender perspective in teaching (in coordination with the vice-rector for Academic Policy).
    • Actions for breaking the glass ceiling for administrative and service staff and teaching and research staff.
  • Diversity outreach (in coordination with the vice-rector for Teaching and Students).
  • UNESCO Sustainability Chair.
  • Courses for older adults.
  • Espai UPC Sènior

Figures linked to the vice-rectorate


Josefina Antonijuan Rull has a degree in Mathematical Sciences (1993) from the University of Barcelona and a doctoral degree in Mathematical Sciences (1999) from the UPC. She has been an associate professor attached to the Department of Mathematics at the UPC since 2002. She has taught at the Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering (EPSEVG), the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering (EETAC) and the Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB). She has written three university teaching handbooks and has participated in a conference, a number of teaching innovation working sessions and a funded teaching innovation project.

In the area of management, she was head of section at the UPC’s Department of Mathematics in Vilanova (2018-2021) and a member of the UPC’s University Senate (2013-2021).

As a researcher she is part of the Remote Acquisition and Data Processing Systems (SARTI) research group. Her activity has focused on numerical simulation applied to fluid dynamics, fishing gear, marine current analysis and sediment dynamics. She has participated in nine national and European competitive research projects and is the co-author of 15 publications in indexed journals and 22 conference papers.