Vice-rector for Academic Policy

Montserrat Pardàs Feliu

  • Planning and programming of bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
  • Academic structure of the UPC.
  • Academic workload (in coordination with the vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff Policy).
  • Validation and modification of degrees (in coordination with the vice-rector for Quality and Language Policy).
  • Double degrees (in coordination with the vice-rector for International Policy).


Montserrat Pardàs has an undergraduate degree (1991) and a doctoral degree (1995) in Telecommunications Engineering, both from the UPC. She has been affiliated with the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB) since 1994 and is currently a full professor at the Department of Signal Theory and Communications.

She is a member of the Intelligent Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (IDEAI-UPC) research group, and her activity takes place in the field of image and video processing and computer vision. In this field, she has published more than 100 articles in indexed journals and conference proceedings, is the co-author of three patents and has participated in 28 national and European competitive research projects and various technology transfer contracts. She has carried out research as a visiting professor at Bell Labs - Lucent Technologies and Toshiba’s Cambridge Research Laboratory.

She was the head of studies and coordinator of the Department of Signal Theory and Communications’ doctoral programme (2000-2003), the secretary of the same department (2010-2013) and the assistant director of Planning and Quality at the ETSETB (2013-2019). She has also been a member of the UPC’s Doctoral Studies Committee, the University Senate, the Governing Council and the Teaching and Students and Staff and Social Action committees.