- New master's degrees for the 2025-2026 academic year
- New master's degrees for the 2024-2025 academic year
- Access, admission and admission
- Fees, grants and payment options
- Academic calendar and academic regulations
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- Advanced Biomedical Technologies
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Research at the UPC
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Research areas
- Portafolis Bateries ENG 2024.pdf
- a58a7dd5-5ad4-4570-8939-4915ae673cf6.jpeg
- Portafolis Bateries ENG.pdf
- PORTAFOLIS R+D+I en Recursos H2O a la UPC 2024_EN_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_ArchitectureENG_2022.pdf
- Portafolis_Ciberseguretat_2023_ENG_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_ArchitectureENG_2022.pdf
- PORTAFOLIS R+D+I en Recursos H2O a la UPC 2024_rev_EN.pptx
- Portafolis_SustainableBuildings_ENG_UPC2024_compressed.pdf
- UPC_Sport_Portfolio_2022_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_wood_ENG_UPC2024_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_AI_ENG_2022_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_UrbanMobility_ENG_2023_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_Health_ENG2023l_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_Semiconductors_Chips_ENG2023_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_Tecnologies_Quàntiques_2023 - ENG_rev_compressed.pdf
- Portafolis_ArchitectureENG_2022_compressed.pdf
- R&D networks
Research support and promotion
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- Research data management support and resources
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- Transfer, entrepreneurship and innovation support and promotion
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Press Room
- Mapa-salinitat-Artic-mesurada-1-15-OCT-2020-web.jpg
- 0-mapes-grafics-gruix-gel-Artic-Antartic-web.jpg
- Mapa-salinitat-Artic-mesurada-1-15-OCT-2020-web.jpg
- covid-Europe-ENG.png
- diagnosis-COVID-ENG.PNG
- index-COVID-Europa-ENG.png
- Premi-Sola-Morales-web.jpg
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- figura-EN2.jpg
- xavier_masso-web.jpg
- FIGURE Chemical communication between living beings obeys the linguistic law of brevity
- Crisalix_Deep-web5.jpg
- S+T+ARTS European Comission
- Table ranking GRAS 2022
- Eit Manufacturing logo
- membres de l'equip del projecte SEASLAG
- U-ranking-vs-U-ranking-volum.PNG
- URanking-2022 (1).png
- URanking-2022 (2).png
- The UPC in pictures
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- The career path for Teaching and Research Staff (PDI) and Research Staff (PI) at the UPC
- Human Resource Strategy for Researchers at the UPC
- Definition and characteristics of the different categories of PDI and PI
- HRS4R_Members_EN_V02.pdf
- HRS4R_Politica_OTMR_EN_V05.pdf
- HRS4R_Strategy_Action_Plan_EN_V03.pdf