
  1. European award for the ANYWHERE project, coordinated by the UPC’s CRAHI

    The 2022 Resilience Award of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs went to ANYWHERE, a project coordinated by the UPC’s Centre of Applied Research in Hydrometeorology (CRAHI) that strengthens societal...
  2. Clarifying note regarding the exhibition at the Ferraté Library

    Regarding the exhibition at the Ferraté Library.
  3. UPC has conferred an honorary doctoral degree on the oceanographer Sylvia A. Earle

    The ceremony to confer an honorary doctoral degree on marine biologist and oceanographer Sylvia A. Earle has taken place in Vilanova i la Geltrú on 28 October. Researcher Michel André, the director of the University’s Laboratory of Applied...
  4. Fractus and the UPC create a technological hub to develop deep tech solutions

    Fractus and the UPC have agreed to create the Fractus-UPC Deep Tech Hub, a research centre where deep technologies will be designed and improved so as to develop disruptive technological solutions based on scientific challenges with great potential...
  5. Collaborative robots to harvest table grapes developed

    Researchers from the UPC’s Institute of Robotics and Industrial Informatics (IRI) and the Agricultural Machinery Unit (UMA) are working with other research centres and European companies to develop collaborative robots to harvest and prune table...
  6. The BSC selected to host one of the first European quantum computers

    The European Union’s supercomputing consortium has chosen the BSC-CNS as one of six centres that will host the first European quantum computing network.
  7. The construction of the European university of the future has focused the inauguration ceremony of the 2022-2023

    The inauguration ceremony of the UPC's 2022-2023 academic year has taken place on 28 September on the Terrassa Campus. The event has be attended by the Catalan minister for Universities and Research, Gemma Geis, the Mayor of Terrassa, Jordi Ballart,...
  8. The UPC has participated in the VI Unite! Dialogue on 20 and 21 September

    Representatives of the nine universities—including the UPC—that form Unite! have presented activities of the pilot phase of Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe and future projects at the Dialogue hosted by Politecnico di Torino (PoliTO), Italy.
  9. Researchers find that chemical communication between living beings obeys the linguistic law of brevity

    A recent study shows that the chemicals used by living beings to communicate obey the linguistic law of brevity: just as the most used words in human language are shorter, the most frequent infochemicals in ecosystems tend to be shorter carbon...
  10. Researcher Maria Pau Ginebra awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council

    The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded UPC researcher Maria Pau Ginebra an Advanced Grant to study the mechanisms of biomaterial and bacteria interaction and to develop surfaces that can fight infections and promote bone regeneration. The...
  11. Unite! receives more EC funding for its deployment

    The Unite! alliance, made up of the UPC and other leading European technological universities, will receive more funding from the European Commission, under the Erasmus+ programme, to become a driving force for the advancement of a green and digital...
  12. The UPC, among the world’s top 100 in four subjects according to the 2022 ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects

    The UPC maintains its position among the world’s 100 best universities in four subjects (Instruments Science and Technology, Atmospheric Science, Mathematics and Civil Engineering) and is the top Spanish university in two (Atmospheric Science and...
  13. UPC researchers coordinate the creation of a compact magnetic sensor to reduce noise on large space missions

    The UPC’s Space Science and Technology Research Group (CTE) has coordinated the development of a compact and low-power magnetic sensor to reduce noise based on magnetic field modulation using microelectromechanical resonators (MEMS). Created jointly...
  14. Boosting new gas plasma-based treatments for cancer

    Exploring the possibilities of atmospheric-pressure plasmas to develop and consolidate new medical therapies is the main objective of the PlasTHER network, an initiative funded by the European Union under the COST Actions. Led by the UPC, the...
  15. PLOME, a research project to monitor marine ecosystems

    Within the framework of the PLOME project, a scientific team will develop an underwater platform to intelligently monitor marine ecosystems in real time. Led by the University of Girona (UdG), the initiative involves the UPC’s Technological...
  16. The UPC maintains its leading position in the 2022 U-Ranking

    In the 2022 edition of the U-Ranking the UPC is still the top Spanish university in performance.
  17. Engineering students from the UPC create a 3D-printed functional robotic arm

    The Arm2u biomedical engineering team, from the UPC’s Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB), has designed and manufactured using 3D printing technology a customisable transradial prosthesis that responds to the user’s nerve impulses.
  18. The UPC closes its 50th anniversary celebrations by claiming its role as Catalonia’s tech future

    The UPC’s 50th anniversary celebrations closed in style at an event that brought together the university community and representatives from institutions, organisations and companies in the Fòrum Auditorium in Barcelona on 27 June. The event featured...
  19. The Urban Mobility Jam provides solutions to urban mobility challenges

    University community and professionals offer solutions to urban mobility challenges from 30 June to 2 July. The event is being held on the UPC’s North Diagonal Campus and focuses on prototyping by teams within 54 hours.
  20. The UPC is the top technical university in Spain and ranks among the 350 best universities in the world in the latest edition of the QS Rankings

    The UPC maintains its leading position among Spanish technical universities in the latest edition of the QS World University Rankings, in which the UPC also ranks 343rd in the world and 146th in Europe.
  21. Fireball from a stellar explosion detected for the first time by eROSITA X-ray telescope

    When Sun-type stars use up all their fuel, they shrink to form white dwarfs. Sometimes these dead stars come back to life in a thermonuclear explosion and produce a fireball of intense X-ray radiation. A research team led by the...
  22. The Vallès School of Architecture presents a construction prototype made from corn and sunflower stalks

    The Interdisciplinary Group on Building Science and Technology (GICITED), linked to the UPC’s Vallès School of Architecture (ETSAV), participates in the cross-border project SAVASCO, which aims to develop new bio-based materials to minimise the...
  23. ICFO researcher Maciej Lewenstein received the 2021 Catalonian National Research Award

    For his theoretical contributions to atomic physics and quantum optics. Presented by the Government of Catalonia, the awards have also recognised the BSC’s Som Investigadores initiative, in the Scientific Communication category.
  24. The UPC has conferred an honorary doctoral degree on civil engineer and MIT professor Jaume Peraire on 3 June

    The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) held a ceremony to confer an honorary doctoral degree on Jaume Peraire, professor and UPC graduate Jaume Peraire, in Barcelona on 3 June, sponsored by the UPC’s Barcelona School of Civil...
  25. Professor Joan Gispets, vice-rector for University Policy at the UPC

    On 23 May Professor Joan Gispets i Parcerisas took office as vice-rector of University Policy at the UPC.
  26. The UPC’s CD6 participates in the construction of the world’s largest telescope

    The UPC’s Centre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6) participates with IDOM in the construction of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT), promoted by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). The ELT will be the world's largest...
  27. The UPC, among the world’s top 100 in the SDGs Climate Action, Life Below Water and Life On Land according to the THE Impact Rankings

    In the 2022 THE Impact Rankings, which assess the impact of universities’ contributions to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the UPC is ranked the world’s 71st university in Climate Action, 74th in Life Below Water and 85th in Life On...
  28. Doctoral School Open Day on 12 May

    The UPC doctoral studies will be presented at an event in the Auditorium of the Vèrtex building. The event will also feature the institutional final of the Thesis in 4 Minutes competition and the announcement of the UPC winner of the #HiloTesis...
  29. The UPC’s Baix Llobregat Campus will host the business incubator ESA BIC Barcelona for three more years

    The UPC’s Baix Llobregat Campus in Castelldefels will host ESA BIC Barcelona for three more years to accelerate start-ups based on innovative space technologies or infrastructures. The incubator will continue to be located in the RDIT building of...
  30. Europe committed to bringing to market an innovative treatment for bone cancer created by UPC researcher Cristina Canal

    The European Research Council has awarded professor Cristina Canal a Proof of Concept grant, which aims to bridge the gap between frontier research and the market. With this grant, the researcher from the UPC’s Department of Materials Science and...