Specific web page for supporting telework for teaching staff, administrative staff and students

A new web page with tools and services for supporting teaching staff, administrative staff and students working or studying from home. It completes the ICT’s services for teleworking and basic support tools for non-face-to-face teaching available to the university community given the COVID-19 health emergency.

Mar 23, 2020

The ICT Services of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) have published a specific web page with tools and services for working or studying remotely: https://serveistic.upc.edu/ca/treballa-en-remot.

It completes the resources that were published on 13 March.

Statement published on 13 March 2020

Given the exceptional circumstances caused by the COVID-19 emergency, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) and all public universities in Catalonia are in regular contact with the health and education authorities so as to closely monitor how the situation evolves.

On 12 March 2020 we announced additional measures stemming from the Government of Catalonia's Resolution SLT/719/2020, of 12 March, on the prevention and control of SARS-CoV-03 infections.

The UPC has made the following specific e-mail address available to answer questions on the measures taken regarding COVID-19:  info.coronavirus@upc.edu.

The following ICT services are availablefor telework: https://serveistic.upc.edu

Distance teaching:
The following basic tools are available for distance teaching: https://serveistic.upc.edu/ca/atenea/eines-no-presencial-atenea 

Timeline of COVID-19 emergency measures at the UPC (until 12 March 2020)

• 26 February 2020: Information web page on COVID-19 that collects all the communications published regarding the emergency and day-to-day monitoring on the UPC website homepage. Communication Service. Communication with questions and answers and links. Continuous monitoring and support for people in the community who ask for information. Occupational Health and Safety Service.

• 27 February 2020: Approval of the action protocol and the creation of the Emergency Management Committee by the Governing Council with the aim of providing information and establishing the measures that must be taken.

• 3 March 2020: New institutional communication providing further information to the community.

• 6 March 2020: The rector's communication to the directors of academic units informing them of the public health secretary's call for a meeting with the rectors of Catalan universities on Monday 9 March 2020 and of the Catalan Health Service's recommendations. The same communication was sent by the UPC's general manager to all heads of management and service units.

• 9 March 2020: Instructions from the rector after the emergency meeting of the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC) held on the same day at noon. Restrictions were placed on extracurricular activities, recommendations were made on travel to high-risk areas and measures on student mobility were established. As far as administrative and service staff were concerned, telework was encouraged, in addition to a minimum interpersonal distance, particularly in cases in which more than 10 people gather in the same place.

• 10 March 2020: Communication protocols for external companies and contractors, protocols for rapid action in the event that employees wish to telework or access their work computers remotely, and protocols to ensure the functioning of UPC facilities were prepared.

• 10 March 2020: Extraordinary meeting of the Health and Safety Committee. Regulations set a period of 72 hours.

• 11 March 2020: Suspension of events and conferences at university facilities. Suspension of the Education Exhibition. Suspension of Mathematical Kangaroo tests.

• 11 March 2020: Communication by the general manager in which a registration form for members of the university community who must travel is made available. It is thought to be important that an easily accessible register be available in urgent cases.

• 11 March 2020: Instructions from the Office of the General Manager to the heads of management and support services and heads of service and a request for plans of action for 16 March 2020 to ensure the provision of critical services on the campuses. Again, extraordinarily extending telework is encouraged.

• 12 March 2020: Meeting with school directors and deans to agree on the proposal of measures for face-to-face teaching activities. Communication to administrative and service staff informing them of the situation and providing flexible timetable changes and telework options. Procurement of extraordinary services: cleaning and disinfection; complementary services for reception. Communication to all companies and contractors.

• 12 March 2020: Institutional message from the rector of the UPC and communication from the general manager to the administrative and service staff.