MOOC course: Transition to a new energy model
Over the past 150 years, humanity has based its energy model on the increasing use of non-renewable resources. Our future now depends to a great extent on the energy model that we choose for the next few years.
- Language: Catalan and English
- Contact:
The course "Transition to a new energy model. Why and how it can be achieved" aims to present a coherent model of energy transition in the environmental, social and economic spheres. It focuses on the energy system of Catalonia but will also consider that of other countries.
It will also cover the following topics:
- The global energy situation and the need to start building a new, sustainable energy model.
- The global energy transition as the way to overcome the crisis involving energy resources and the environment.
- A possible roadmap and model to follow.
The course is divided into four modules, one per week:
- Module 1. A conceptual introduction to energy
- Module 2. Diagnosis of the current energy model
- Module 3. An energy transition model applicable until 2050
- Module 4. Strategics areas of the transition
- Sílvia Invers Barriga (Coordinator)
- Adriana Farran Marsà
- Carles Riba Romeva
- Carme Pretel Sánchez
- Francesc Guinjoan Gispert
- Jordi Segalàs Coral