Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering

Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)

The bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering provides the knowledge needed to supervise and manage engineering projects related to the design of equipment for monitoring, diagnosis and treatment, and projects involving information and communication systems for healthcare, remote medicine, remote monitoring and equipment quality control. It takes a multidisciplinary approach to equipping students for careers in the fields of e-medicine, the capture of biosignals such as cardiovascular signals, neurosurgery and the treatment of pain, implants for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, sports medicine, disposable medical devices, the management of biomedical teams  and systems and the provision of technical advice, and the assessment and certification of medical technology. You will acquire skills in the analysis and interpretation of biomedical signals and images; biomechanics and biomaterials; sensors; quality-of-care improvement; and equipment and process optimisation. Although the bachelor's degree has been introduced recently, it is very popular, because it trains students to fulfil a new professional role for which the graduate employment rate is very high and in which graduates are quick to find employment.

4 academic years
Study load
240 ECTS credits (including the bachelor's thesis). One credit is equivalent to a study load of 25-30 hours.
Language of instruction

Check the language of instruction for each subject (and timetable) in the course guide in the curriculum.

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.

Fees and grants
Approximate fees per academic year: €1,107 (€2,553 for non-EU residents). Consult the public fees system based on income (grants and payment options).
Barcelona East School of Engineering (EEBE)
Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree register
Registration and enrolment
What are the requirements to enrol in a bachelor's degree course?
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.

Eighth semester

  • CompulsoryECTS
  • OptionalECTS
  • ProjectECTS
Professional opportunities
  • Supervision and management of projects involving the conception, design, manufacture, assessment and certification of biomedical healthcare products and services.
  • Design of equipment for monitoring, diagnosis and treatment for healthcare and remote medicine.
  • Supervision and management of projects for quality-of-care and process improvement.
  • Assessment and certification of medical technology.
  • Biomedical technology companies.
  • Departments of clinical engineering for healthcare. 
  • Teaching and research.
  • Professions in which engineering principles are applied to medicine in the fields of biomedical equipment related to e-medicine, cardiovascular signals, neurosurgery and the treatment of pain, implants for orthopaedic surgery and traumatology, dental technology, sports medicine, disposable medical devices, the management of biomedical teams and systems and the provision of technical advice, and the assessment and certification of medical technology.
Double-degree pathways at the UPC

You have the possibility of complementing this bachelor's degree with a specific pathway towards a double degree by taking an additional number of credits from one of the other degrees taught at the School. Generally, this involves an additional year of study. To gain admission to a double degree of this kind you must have taken a minimum number of credits on one of the bachelor's degrees. The number of places is limited.
  • Bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering + Bachelor's degree in Industrial Electronics and Automatic control Engineering

Check the degree’s main quality indicators in the University Studies in Catalonia portal of the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency. Find information on topics such as degree evaluation results, student satisfaction and graduate employment data. 

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