
"Entrepreneurship and Innovation" Summer Course

May 28, 2015


The course “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” will take place during the 15th and 16th of July in the Ciudad Grupo Santander, in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid), as part of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid Summer Courses.

Ran by Frederico Gutiérrez-Solana, Director of the Centro Internacional Santander Emprendimiento (CISE) and Senén Barro, President of RedEmprendia, the object of the course is to share experiences that help to strengthen the will and the commitment to enterprise and to dispose of enough inspiration to persist on the vocation, on the learning and on the creation of innovative ideas that can serve as a base for the development of an entrepreneurial project. With a practical and participatory approach based on the dialog and exchange over entrepreneurs and PYMES real cases, the course analyses some of the key aspects of the entrepreneurial process and profile through personal testimony and debate between entrepreneurs and businessmen.

Preferentially aimed at students and young university grads interested on enterprising and on learning how to do so, the course is open to the participation of PYMES’ businessmen who want to enrich their knowledge on innovation and their entrepreneurial profile, vision and culture. The course includes talks and roundtables with the participation of renowned experts and top level entrepreneurs and PYMES’ businessmen.

All information about the course (programme) and the procedure of the enrolment formalisation is available on the Universidad Complutense Summer Courses website: