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Master's degree in Industrial Engineering

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech

Master's degree in Industrial Engineering

This master’s degree, which qualifies graduates to practise the regulated profession of industrial engineer, aims to provide multidisciplinary scientific and technical training based on an overview of industrial engineering combined with specialisation in a particular branch of industry.

At the UPC, the master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and the bachelor’s degree in Industrial Technology Engineering form an integrated programme.

More information on the web page of this master's degree.


  • Automatic Control
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Electricity
  • Electronic Engineering 
  • Energy
  • Environment and Chemistry
  • IT for Industry
  • Materials
  • Mechanics
  • Industrial Scheduling
  • Stuctures and Construction
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General details

Duration and start date
Two academic years, 120 ECTS credits. Starting September and February
Timetable and delivery
Mornings | Afternoons. Face-to-face
Fees and grants
Approximate fees for the master’s degree, excluding other costs (does not include non-teaching academic fees and issuing of the degree certificate):
€2,215 (€12,662 for non-EU residents).
More information about fees and payment options
More information about grants and loans
Language of instruction

Check the language of instruction for each subject in the course guide in the curriculum.

Information on language use in the classroom and students’ language rights.


Barcelona School of Industrial Engineering (ETSEIB)

Official degree
Recorded in the Ministry of Education's degree register


General requirements
Academic requirements for admission to master's degrees
Admission criteria
English level B2 and Spanish level B2.2 are required (foreign students). The university of origin and the first degree will be considered, particularly the appropriateness of the scientific and technological content of the basic curriculum, the shared industrial engineering module and the specific technology module of the first degree . The academic committee of the master's degree will assign a mark to candidates that is weighted in the following way:
- 50% of the mark reflects the correspondence between the competencies of the first degree and the competencies of the master's degree.
- 40% of the mark reflects the weighted average of the marks on the academic transcript (the marks for the thesis and optional subjects are not included).
- 10% of the mark reflects the candidate's professional experience.

250 places in September + 150 in February
Pre-enrolment closed (consult the new pre-enrolment periods in the academic calendar).
How to pre-enrol
How to enrol
Legalisation of foreign documents
All documents issued in non-EU countries must be legalised and bear the corresponding apostille.

Double-degree agreements

Double-degree pathways at a single school
  • Master's degree in Industrial Engineering (MUEI) + one of the following master's degrees:
    • Master’s degree in Automatic Control and Robotics / Master's degree in Automotive Engineering / Master's degree in Management Engineering / Master’s degree in Nuclear Engineering / Master's degree in Energy Engineering
Double-degree pathways with other universities in Spain
  • MUEI + Master's degree in Business Management (Management of Organisations in the Knowledge Economy) (UOC)
  • Bachelor's degree in Industrial Technology Engineering + MUEI + Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Management (UOC)
Double-degree pathways with foreign universities
  • MUEI + Master's degree in industrial Engineering (École Nationale Supéreure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace (Diplôme d’Ingénieur ISAE SUPAERO), Toulouse, France)
  • MUEI + Master's degree in Management Engineering (Ilinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, USA) (Only ETSEIB students to IIT) (To choose between 6 masters)
  • MUEI (speciality "mecánica") + Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (Collegio di Ingegneria Meccanica, Aerospaziale, dell'Autoveicolo e della Produzione, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy)
  • MUEI + Master's in Management Grande Ecole Degree (École Des Hautes Études Commerciales (HEC), Paris, France) (Only ETSEIB students to HEC)
  • MUEI + Master's degree in industrial Engineering (Fakultat Für Maschinenwesen (Mw), Technische Universitat München (TUM), Munich, Germany) (to choose between 8 masters)
  • MUEI + Master's degree in Automotive Engineering  (Fakultat Für Maschinenwesen (Mw), Technische Universitat München (TUM), Munich, Germany) (to choose between 8 masters)
  • MUEI + Master's degree in Automatic Control and Robotics  (Fakultat Für Maschinenwesen (Mw), Technische Universitat München (TUM), Munich, Germany) (to choose between 8 masters)
  • MUEI + Master's degree in Supply Chain, Transport and Mobility Management  (Fakultat Für Maschinenwesen (Mw), Technische Universitat München (TUM), Munich, Germany) (to choose between 8 masters)
  • MUEI + Master's degree in Management Engineering  (Fakultat Für Maschinenwesen (Mw), Technische Universitat München (TUM), Munich, Germany) (to choose between 8 masters)
Further information on this website

Professional opportunities

Professional opportunities

Graduates of this master’s degree will acquire a multidisciplinary overview of technology that will enable them to contribute to any kind of industrial endeavour. They will be qualified for employment in engineering firms and in technical, R&D, production and sales departments. Their broad skills will also allow them to work for companies offering consultancy services in the fields of technology, management, industrial plant design and project management. The master’s degree enhances the employability of its graduates by making them versatile, flexible and able to develop and lead projects across all sectors of industry. The training they receive in organisation and management techniques prepares them to take on leadership roles in industrial and service company management, project management, public administration, institutions and multidisciplinary teams.


Generic competencies

Generic competencies are the skills that graduates acquire regardless of the specific course or field of study. The generic competencies established by the UPC are capacity for innovation and entrepreneurship, sustainability and social commitment, knowledge of a foreign language (preferably English), teamwork and proper use of information resources.

Specific competencies

On completion of this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand, analyse and design electrical energy generation, transport and distribution systems.
  • Understand, draft, calculate and design integrated manufacturing systems.
  • Design and test machines.
  • Analyse and design chemical processes.
  • Design and analyse thermal machines and heat engines, hydraulic machines and industrial heat and cold facilities.
  • Understand, analyse, use and manage sources of energy.
  • Design electronic systems and industrial instrumentation.
  • Design and draft automated production systems and advanced control processes.
  • Organise and run businesses.
  • Work out strategies and plans for a range of organisational structures.
  • Understand business and employment law.
  • Understand financial and cost accounting.
  • Understand information systems for management, industrial organisation, production, logistics and quality management.
  • Organise production systems, logistics and quality management systems.
  • Organise work and human resource management in keeping with the principles of occupational health and safety.
  • Practise integrated project management.
  • Manage research, development and technological innovation.
  • Design, build and use industrial plants.
  • Understand building construction, facilities, infrastructure and urban development for industrial engineering.
  • Calculate and design structures.
  • Draft and design electrical and fluid facilities, lighting, air conditioning and ventilation, energy saving and efficiency systems, acoustics, communications, home automation and smart buildings, and safety facilities.
  • Understand transport and industrial maintenance methods and techniques.
  • Check and control facilities, processes and products.
  • Draw up certificates, audits, verifications, tests and reports.
  • Write, present and defend to university examiners an original, individually authored piece of work consisting of a professional industrial engineering project that displays all of the competencies acquired during the master's degree course.


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