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Kick off meeting of the TAILOR project

Kick off meeting of the TAILOR project
Research team of the TAILOR project with members of BIOMEC-UPC, Instituto Cajal CSIC, Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos and Institut Guttmann.

On October 2, the kick off meeting of the TAILOR project: Personalized Robotic and Neuroprosthetic Modular Wearable Systems for Assistance of Impaired Walking (RTI2018-097290-B) took place at the ETSEIB. This project has been funded in the "Retos Investigación" call of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities for the period 2019-2021. This is a coordinated project in which collaborate the Biomechanical Engineering Lab (BIOMEC) of the Department, the Neural Rehabilitation Group of the Cajal Institute CSIC, the National Hospital of Paraplegics and Institut Guttmann.