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Kick off Meeting for the ANTITRUSH Project with MicroTech Lab members

Kick off Meeting for the ANTITRUSH Project with MicroTech Lab members
Visiting HochBahn Installations in the Kick off Meeting

On February 6th and 7th, the kick-off meeting of the ANTITRUSH project: “SMART TRASH DETECTION AND DAMAGE PREVENTION FOR SHARED MOBILITY” (EIT Urban Mobility Business Plan 2020_eit20007) took place in City of Hamburg Hochbahn.

This project has been funded in the call of Innovation Project 2019 from the EIT Urban Mobility. This is a coordinated project in which collaborate the Microtech Lab (, Intexter  and CARNET from UPC-BarcelonaTech, AALTO University, NFF at TU Braunscheweig, SEAT, Zone Cluster and City of Hamburg.