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New journal article: "Residual vibration reduction in back-and-forth moving systems driven by slider-crank mechanisms working through a dead point configuration"

New journal article: "Residual vibration reduction in back-and-forth moving systems driven by slider-crank mechanisms working through a dead point configuration"

Associate professors Joaquim M. Veciana, Lluïsa Jordi and Eduard Lores from the research group CDEI-DM have published the research paper “Residual vibration reduction in back-and-forth moving systems driven by slider-crank mechanisms working through a dead point configuration” in the journal Mechanism and Machine Theory. This publication, under the areas of Mechanical Vibrations and Mechanism and Machine Theory, is the result of the study developed in the PhD thesis "Aportació a l’estudi de la reducció de vibracions residuals en transitoris de moviment generats mitjançant accionaments de cinemàtica no lineal" by Dr. Eduard Lores Garcia.

This paper can be seen at