ePLASCOM group (EEBE).



Is it possible? We do it.

At the Centre Català del Plàstic, there is something that we like even more then answers:  questions.

That is why we are scientists. That is why we put our research at the service of companies and institutions, to make their innovative projects a reality.

That is also why we are devoted to teaching: we can share our enthusiasm with new generations of creative and curious minds.

Why? How? When?
Innovating means finding new answers to novel questions. We look forward to hearing yours.


· Headquarters (Terrassa)
Edifici Vapor Universitari
C/ Colom, 114, Planta 1
08222 Terrassa

· Laboratories/Training (Barcelona)
Campus Diagonal Besòs
Edifici C, Planta 1
Avda. Eduard Maristany, 16
08019 Barcelona

Office hours: 09:30 - 18:00
Ph. (+34) 93 783 70 22



Grant EcoPolyRub: PID2023-151338NB-I00 funded by MICIU and AEI and ERDF/EU. 

Grant "PID2019-106518RB-I00"  funded by MICIU/AEI:

· Center accredited by

 · Social networks