Selecció de tesis doctorals en l'àmbit de la IA
Selecció de les darreres tesis doctorals en l'àmbit de la intel·ligència artificial (IA) llegides a la UPC durant el 2022:
- A socio-technical approach for assistants in human-robot collaboration in industry 4.0
- Distributed collaborative knowledge management for optical network
- On-the-fly synthesizer programming with rule learning
- A novel computer scrabble engine based on probability that performs at championship level
- Contribution to the modelling and evaluation of radio network slicing solutions in 5G
- Development of a machine learning based methodology for bridge health monitoring
- Learning multilingual and multimodal representations with language-specific encoders and decoders for machine translation
- Human-aware application of data science techniques
- Sag effects on protection system in distributed generation grids
- Flexible architecture for the future internet scalability of SDN control plane
- A framework for the analytical and visual interpretation of complex spatiotemporal dynamics in soccer
Consulta totes les tesis doctorals llegides en IA a