Selecció d'articles publicats en l'àmbit de les bateries

Publicats per PDI de la UPC des del 2023:

  • Canals, L. [et al.]. Are electric vehicle batteries being underused? A review of current practices and sources of circularity. “Transport and
    Environment”, January 2023, vol. 114.
  • Dorado, A. [et al.]. A high productivity bioprocess for obtaining metallic copper from printed circuit boards (PCBs). “Minerals Engineering”,
    January 2024, vol. 205.

  • Romeral, J. L. [et al.]. Flexible Smart Energy-Management Systems Using an Online Tendering Process Framework for Microgrids.
    “Energies”, May 2023, vol. 16.
  • Busquets-Monge, S. [et al.]. Electric vehicle powertrains with modular battery banks tied to multilevel NPC inverters. “Electronics”,
    January 2023, vol. 12, no. 2.

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